Wedding Proposal In Tuscany - Michele Belloni

A Magical Proposal in Val d’Orcia: Jorge and Diana’s Story at Casa Al Maestro

Jorge and Diana, a lovely couple from Portugal, traveled to the stunning region of Val d’Orcia under the pretense of a romantic getaway. Their destination: the charming Casa Al Maestro B&B in Radicofani, a picturesque location nestled in the hills of Tuscany. Little did Diana know, this trip held much more than just sightseeing and relaxation.

Jorge had carefully planned the perfect surprise: a marriage proposal in the heart of Tuscany. Despite the stormy weather that day, he knew the magic of the moment would transcend the elements. As the two wandered the beautiful grounds of the B&B, surrounded by the rolling hills and cypress trees, Jorge took a deep breath, gathered his courage, and asked Diana to be his wife.

Just as he uttered the life-changing words, something incredible happened: the storm clouds began to part, and a miraculous beam of light broke through, illuminating the valley below. The golden light bathed the entire scene in a warm, magical glow, creating the perfect mood for such an intimate moment. Diana, taken by surprise and overwhelmed with emotion, said “Yes!”

The weather, the location, and the raw emotions made this proposal unforgettable—not only for Jorge and Diana but for everyone who witnessed the event. This was one of those rare moments when everything aligned, turning a proposal into a scene straight out of a fairytale.

Photographing this proposal was an honor, as it captured not only the love between two people but also the incredible magic of Val d’Orcia, a place where dreams come true.

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